John Alcorn


The turtle story offers tribute and gratitude to all beautiful minds who saw the world differently and left their mark in a way that inspires us even today!

John Alcorn was an American designer and commercial artist. He has been a huge influence on the way we approach communication through Illustrations and a vividly quirky sense of visuals. His works follow a distinct style and display a subtle sense of childlike innocence, many that are even applicable to corporate brands and corporate settings. That is brave, and that is honest.

We have created a fictitious beverage brand called "JALCORN'S" to see how the master would have designed its packaging. It has been a humbling experience to adapt certain attributes of John Alcorn and convert them into assets that could be used across various brand designs. After all, isn't that love? We love John Alcorn, therefore we learn of his greatest qualities and adapt them into our work.

The artwork belongs solely to John Alcorn and in no way is a reproduction or for sale.


Jamini Roy


M.C. Escher